Pollinators are vital to our ecosystems and pleasing to our palates (well, the pollen anyway) and we shared all of the tasty buzz on this show’s countdown to National Pollinator Week, live from the Garden Bistro at Tohono Chul Park!

Karyn Zoldan, Matt Russell & Michelle Armstrong

Karyn Zoldan, Matt Russell & Michelle Armstrong

Our celebrity co-host was Karyn Zoldan of Circle of Food, who shared some buzz from her latest food and drink adventures. We also checked in with Jon Justice of the Jon Justice Show, who had all the buzz on the upcoming Iron Chef Tucson event, as well as Garden Bistro Chef J.P. Pratt, who offered some current buzz from his menu. Tohono Chul Park’s own Michelle Armstrong sat down with us as well with information on her Pollinator Party and how adopting a bee can lead to wonderful and delicious things!